Internationalising Higher
Education and English
Medium Instruction (EMI)


18.00-19.00, 12 January, 2022


University of Tsukuba Online

Internationalising Higher
Education and English
Medium Instruction (EMI)

About the lecture

When universities internationalise, they usually decide to offer some courses in English. Teachers are then asked to teach their academic subject not in their own language but in English. This is called English Medium Instruction or EMI. EMI is growing rapidly all around the world. The number of universities teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in EMI is increasing rapidly and more teachers are faced with the challenge of teaching their academic subject through EMI. There has also been an impressive increase in the amount of research conducted over the last few years into this phenomenon of EMI.
In this lecture, a renowned practitioner and researcher of EMI - Julie Dearden - will discuss the reasons for EMI's rapid global growth and its impact on the internationalisation of Higher Education. This lecture will be of interest not only to lecturers who teach a variety of academic courses (Sciences, Humanities) in English, but also to university administrators, programme staff, and curriculum designers

About the speaker

Julie Dearden is the Director of Oxford EMI, UK which provides professional development courses in EMI for university academics. She was a lecturer at the Department of Education, University of Oxford. Julie writes on EMI, the global phenomenon, the changing roles of academics and teachers in an EMI context. Julie was Senior Research Fellow in EMI at Oxford University from 2013-16 and in the Oxford research team publishing a systematic review of EMI in HE in 2018. She is the author of the first global overview of EMI: EMI a Growing Global Phenomenon published in 2015 including her well-known definition of EMI as "The use of the English language to teach academic subjects in countries or jurisdictions where the first language (L1) of the population is not English"

The presentation slides will be avalilable through the University of Tsukuba link below.